EXTREME HUMANISM: A Conversation About Engagement & Human Connection with Management Guru Tom Peters (S04 Ep12)
Ben catches up with Tom Peters, internationally respected business management leader and author, who has turned his attention to the impact of COVID-19 and the urgent need for extreme humanism – a dramatic scale up of leadership at the individual, company and societal level to address COVID 19 and prepare for future pandemics.
This episode was made in partnership with the Bay Area Global Health Alliance, a network of academic institutions, nonprofits, and innovative tech, biotech and pharmaceutical companies — all committed to advancing global health equity and #innovation.
You can find this episode and past episodes of A Shot in the Arm Podcast with Ben Plumley on this (and other) podcast platforms. Please subscribe and give us 5 stars!
For more information:
#tompeters #extremehumanism #insearchofexcellence #excellencenow #WHO #ecohealth #covid19 #SARSCoV2, pandemics, pandemicspreparation #zoonoticdisease #influenza #onehealth #climatechange #industralization #wildlife