NEJM This Week — July 11, 2024

NEJM This Week – Audio Summaries

NEJM This Week — July 11, 2024

Podcast of news and medicine from the NEJM.
July 10, 2024

NEJM This Week — July 11, 2024

Featuring articles on semaglutide and chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes, felzartamab in kidney-transplant rejection, bulevirtide and peginterferon for chronic hepatitis D, and nirsevimab and hospitalization for RSV bronchiolitis; a review article on malnutrition in adults; a case report of an infant with vomiting and hypercalcemia; and Perspectives on Medicare Advantage and consolidation’s new frontier, on orphan drugs and priorities for the future, on funding post-authorization vaccine-safety science, and on standing on her own two feet.

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