Adenomyosis: What is it, Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Adam Duke

Hopeful Hints

Adenomyosis: What is it, Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Adam Duke

Adenomyosis: What is it, Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Adam Duke
March 12, 2024

Adenomyosis: What is it, Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Adam Duke

In this insightful episode, Dr. Tara Brandner is joined by Dr. Adam Duke to explore the often-misunderstood world of Adenomyosis. This condition, characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue into the uterus’s muscular wall, remains shrouded in mystery and misdiagnosis. They’ll discuss what Adenomyosis is, its symptoms, and the reasons it goes undetected in so many women.

Drs. Tara and Adam unpack the challenges in diagnosing this condition, shedding light on the latest diagnostic techniques that are bringing hope to countless sufferers. Listen in as they navigate through the complexities of Adenomyosis, offering expert insights and compassionate advice for those silently battling this condition.

This episode also unveils key strategies for advocating effectively when you feel unheard by your healthcare provider.

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