Break Free from Anxiety, Anger, and Stress: Dr. Gina Simmons Schneider
Dr. Gina Simmons Schneider is a licensed psychotherapist and an executive coach for issues with anger, conflict, and stress. She started working in a juvenile diversion program and then moved into conflict prevention for workplaces.
She is the author of Frazzlebrain: Break Free from Anxiety, Anger, and Stress Using Advanced
Discoveries in Neuropsychology.
One of the many topics we talked about In this episode was perception. There’s a wonderful analogy that Dr. Schneider shares that has to do with an elephant. It is fantastic!
Learn more about Dr. Gina Simmons Schneider here:
Guest Bio: Dr. Gina Simmons Schneider is a licensed psychotherapist, executive coach, and
corporate trainer. She serves as co-director of Schneider Counseling and Corporate Solutions.
She is the author of Frazzlebrain: Break Free from Anxiety, Anger, and Stress Using Advanced
Discoveries in Neuropsychology (Central Recovery Press, April 2022). Dr. Schneider is a coping
skills expert with more than 25 years of experience helping people regulate difficult emotions
and conflicts.
Dr. Schneider is certified in Neuroscience for Clinicians through PESI and Critical
Incident Stress Debriefing through National Trauma Services. She has been quoted in the New
York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the San Diego Union-Tribune. Laurence Knight interviewed her for the BBC World Service program, “How to Be Angry.” Dr. Schneider blogs for Psychology Today and writes the award-winning Manage Anger Daily blog. She has blogged for Forbes and Women in Crime Ink which the Wall Street Journal named a “blog worth reading.” Dr. Schneider provides training for Fortune 500 companies and other organizations. Contact Dr. Schneider for speaking engagements or additional information
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