What’s Really At Stake at the World Health Assembly

A Shot in the Arm Podcast with Ben Plumley

What’s Really At Stake at the World Health Assembly

Ben is joined by Katri Bertram, Berlin-based global health policy strategist, to reflect on yesterday’s WHA developments on international health regulations & the pandemics accord.
May 29, 2024

What’s Really At Stake at the World Health Assembly

Ben is joined by Katri Bertram, Berlin-based global health policy strategist, to reflect on yesterday’s WHA developments on international health regulations & the pandemics accord. She also challenges the global health community to accept that we don’t live in an era of never ending progress, but must address the stagnation, even regression in our impact on health outcomes. It’s a powerful and direct call to action.

#WHA77 #WHO #globalhealth #Germany #globalhealthsecurity #pandemicsaccord #refugees #climatehealth #ukraine #gaza

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