NEJM This Week — September 10, 2020

NEJM This Week – Audio Summaries

NEJM This Week — September 10, 2020

Podcast of news and medicine from the NEJM.
September 9, 2020

NEJM This Week — September 10, 2020

Featuring articles on strategies for tracheostomy decannulation, extending factor VIII activity in hemophilia A, eflornithine–sulindac in familial adenomatous polyposis, darolutamide in castration-resistant prostate cancer, the NIH RADx initiative, and on training innate immunity; a review article on pharmacologic treatment of ADHD; a case report of a man with intrusive thoughts and fear of poisoning; and Perspective articles on health equity, on the cancer risk associated with lorcaserin, on whether Covid can catalyze an educational transformation, and on the ideal intern.

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