Power Up Your CME/CE Writing Strategy with the Art of Negotiation

Write Medicine

Power Up Your CME/CE Writing Strategy with the Art of Negotiation

April 5, 2023

Power Up Your CME/CE Writing Strategy with the Art of Negotiation

Christine Welniak is an independent medical writer who specializes in cardiology and diabetes. She values opportunities to develop content that helps healthcare providers learn about new treatments that could improve patient outcomes. Christine contends that “content is king” and is central to producing high-quality CME/CE writing. Learning the art of the pitch in her previous life on Wall Street, Christine is well-equipped to discuss why CME/CE medical writers require skills in negotiation and strategy. 

Although CME/CE writers are sometimes undervalued in terms of remuneration, it’s possible to achieve above-average market rates. Christine observes that writers who do so demonstrate skills above and beyond excellent writing, such as strategy, analysis, or comfort in talking with faculty members. 

To this end, Christine highlights her top tips for approaching negotiation and empowering yourself to talk about money with ease.

  • Be honest, direct, and listening
  • Define your non-negotiables upfront
  • Learn the language suitable for money conversations
  • Practice getting comfortable talking about money

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