Episode 25 – Dr Sofia Karapataki
Dr Sofia Karapataki is a pioneer in her field – an engaging specialist periodontologist and implantologist, female leader, educator, lecturer and researcher.
She is a founder member of ‘Leading Ladies in Dentistry’, and is a kind and compelling communicator.
Her intellect and innovative thinking (as well as her personal style and grace) have guided her career within a very demanding field and culture of surgery.
Having done her dental training in Athens and specialisation in Sweden and other countries, after a career of twenty years she started researching alternative dental materials. After a long search she ended up using totally different dental materials, which are friendlier to the human body.
She is a strong international voice, both as lecturer and as a writer, advocating for the eradication of all metal alloys in dental products e.g. implants and restorative materials.
She is the Ambassador for Greece of the Clean Implant Foundation, and Ambassador for Greece of the EACIm (European Association of Ceramic Implants) and member of its scientific board.
Her goal is to help people move towards better health with respect to their bodies as a whole.
In this episode, Dr. Sofia and I chat about:
- Her leadership roles
- Her leadership style
- Her leadership journey
- The leaders that helped her rise
- The challenges she faced on her journey
- How she navigated those challenges
- How she thinks you can become a strong and kind leader
- Her ‘take home’ leadership messages for the listeners, and
- What she is currently excited to be working on.
Dr. Sofia can be contacted either via email at pataki1811@gmail.com or via a DM to her LinkedIn page, namely https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofia-karapataki-a6a69462/
Please reach out to Adam for individual coaching and/or organisational training via dr.adam@coachingmentoringdoctors.com.
His web address and social media profile links / handles include:
He has co-written a new online course entitled ‘How to be Assertive, Maintain Boundaries, and Say “No!”‘ which can be accessed instantly here for only £55/$66: