Episode 12 – Ann M. Richardson, MBA

Inspiring Women Leaders

Episode 12 – Ann M. Richardson, MBA

October 26, 2022

Episode 12 – Ann M. Richardson, MBA

Ann M. Richardson is a visionary healthcare administration leader and elite performer known for her strong ethic, integrity, and commitment to high-quality patient care and clinical program efficiency through a high level of physician and care team engagement.
A clinically savvy, trusted partner committed to exceeding expectations, keeping physicians and patients’ interests at the center of decision-making, and focusing on enhanced value, Ann challenges authority to protect both patients and care teams. 

Ann is a believer in physician and care team advocacy to successfully implement patient-centric advocacy models of care. She has small eyes and big ears to uncover countless opportunities for improvement and engagement through a bottoms-up systems-based approach with the voice of the frontline workers directing and implementing the necessary changes. 

You can mainly find her on LinkedIn.

In this episode, Ann and I chat about:

Her leadership roles
Her leadership style
Her leadership journey
The leaders that helped her rise
The challenges she faced on her journey
How she navigated those challenges
How she thinks you can become a strong and kind leader
Her ‘take home’ leadership messages for the listeners, and
What she is currently excited to be working on.

Ann’s contact details include:


#podcast #inspiringwomenleaders #inspiringwomen #womenleadership #femaleleadership #heforshe #maleally

Please reach out to Dr Harrison for individual coaching and/or organisational training via

His web address and social media profile links / handles include:

He has co-written a new online course entitled ‘How to be Assertive, Maintain Boundaries, and Say “No!”‘ which can be accessed instantly here for only £55/$66:


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