Nurture Connection: Tell Them a Story

Write Medicine

Nurture Connection: Tell Them a Story

February 15, 2023

Nurture Connection: Tell Them a Story

Storytelling cultivates authentic connections and inspires curiosity in our audiences. At the same time, arousing emotions can enhance the learning experience in professional development and continuing education scenarios, like continuing medical education/continuing education in the health professions (CME/CEHP).

Today with Ben Riggs, author, writing coach, and Senior Communication Specialist for Kettering Health, Write Medicine considers how to use storytelling in the health professional education field.

We focus on the importance of understanding the constituent parts of the writing process and understanding audience needs by first defining who they are.

Connect with Ben

Riggs B. Tell Them a Story. Using narrative nonfiction in your everyday writing. NY: Editorial Freelancers Association.  
WordRake: Writing Professionals on LinkedIn to Follow
Pepper Content:15 Freelance Writers You Should Follow on Linkedin for Inspiration
Clear Writing Q&A 
Get Started on Your Writing Journey
The Importance of Powerful Storytelling in Writing

When we were talking about ideas/”leafmold,” Ben mentioned an essay he wrote about walking his dog, Lewie. Here’s the essay

Ben’s recommendations for d books on writing: 

  •  Elements of Style (Strunk &White)
  •  Writing Tools and Help! for Writers (Roy Peter Clark)
  •  On Writing Well and Writing to Learn (William Zinsser) 
  •  The Reader, the Text, the Poem (Louise Rosenblatt) 

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