Perinatal Safety Nursing, Evidence-Based Practice, and Fostering a Culture of Safety

The Nurse Keith Show

Perinatal Safety Nursing, Evidence-Based Practice, and Fostering a Culture of Safety

December 15, 2023

Perinatal Safety Nursing, Evidence-Based Practice, and Fostering a Culture of Safety

On episode 452 of The Nurse Keith Show nursing and healthcare career podcast, Keith interviews Jeanette Zocco, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS, a Perinatal Safety Nurse who is a champion of evidence-based practice and the fostering of cultures of safety in nursing and healthcare. In the course of their conversation, Keith and Jeanette discuss the role of the Perinatal Safety Nurse, the importance of quality and safety in improving patient outcomes and efficiency/workflow for frontline staff, and the recent publication of Jeanette’s book, Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS) Study Guide: A Practical Resource for Perinatal Nurses.

Jeanette Zocco is a leader in perinatal quality and safety, with 25 years of experience in obstetrics in the hospital setting. She has worked as a bedside nurse, a charge nurse, a clinical nurse leader, a perinatal safety nurse, and a quality improvement performance specialist. She is known for developing innovative perinatal quality and safety programs in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. Her programs have demonstrated improved maternal and neonatal safety outcomes. 

Her areas of expertise include: data analysis, quality improvement, patient safety, nursing education, clinical research, medical record chronology preparation, project management, multidisciplinary simulation, labor and delivery, team training, and fetal heart monitoring education. Some examples of quality improvement initiatives include the following programs: safe reduction in primary cesarean delivery, obstetric hemorrhage safety bundle, shoulder dystocia team response program, prevention of retained surgical items, multidisciplinary placenta accreta program, and a standardized approach to obstetric triage. Her experience includes both intrahospital and system level perinatal quality and safety work in a large multi-institutional health care delivery system.  

Most recently, in alignment with her goal to help elevate nursing practice and educate on quality and safety, Jeanette authored a study guide for the Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS) certification exam offered through the National Certification Corporation (NCC).

Jeanette holds NCC certifications in inpatient obstetrics, fetal heart monitoring, and obstetric and neonatal quality and safety. In addition, she is certified in simulation through Drexel University. 

Connect with Jeanette Zocco


Did you know that you can now earn CEUs from listening to podcasts? That’s right — over at, they’re building a library of nursing podcasts offering continuing education credits, including episodes of The Nurse Keith Show! So just head over to, log into the portal, select Nurse Keith (or any other Content Creator) from the Content Creator dropdown, and get CEs for any content on the platform!

Nurse Keith is a holistic career coach for nurses, professional podcaster, published author, award-winning blogger, inspiring keynote speaker, and successful nurse entrepreneur. Connect with Nurse Keith at, and on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Nurse Keith lives in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico with his lovely fiancée, Shada McKenzie, a highly gifted traditional astrologer and reader of the tarot. You can find Shada at The Circle and the Dot.

The Nurse Keith Show is a proud member of The Health Podcast Network, one of the largest and fastest-growing collections of authoritative, high-quality podcasts taking on the tough topics in health and care with empathy, expertise, and a commitment to excellence. The podcast is adroitly produced by Rob Johnston of 520R Podcasting, and Mark Capispisan is our stalwart social media ringmaster and newsletter wrangler.

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