Episode 196: Bami Farinre – The Mentor’s Journey: From Learning To Leading

People of Pathology Podcast

Episode 196: Bami Farinre – The Mentor’s Journey: From Learning To Leading

January 13, 2025

Episode 196: Bami Farinre – The Mentor’s Journey: From Learning To Leading

Bami Farinre returns to the podcast for an in depth discussion of her new book The Mentor’s Journey – From Learning to Leading.

  • The book has been a long time coming, inspired by the Bami’s early career experiences in STEM as a biomedical scientist and the need for mentorship.

  • She guest grew up in a community where mentorship was intrinsic and not formally defined, with a strong emphasis on education and support from the community.

  • Bami believes mentorship is crucial for developing future leaders and emphasizes the importance of passing on knowledge.

  • The book is part instructional and part autobiographical, using personal experiences to make it relatable.

  • Emotional Intelligence is essential for managing expectations and emotions in mentorship relationships, fostering trust and open dialogue.

  • Allyship is advocating for inclusion and standing in solidarity with someone, while sponsorship involves actively using influence to create opportunities for someone else.

  • Mentors gain fresh perspectives, sharpen leadership skills, and experience fulfillment from their mentees’ successes.

  • Reverse Mentorship: Younger mentees can teach mentors about new technologies and perspectives, enriching the mentor’s experience.

  • Bami emphasized the importance of passing on knowledge and creating a legacy through mentorship.


Links for this episode:

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The Mentor’s Journey – From Learning to Leading on Amazon


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