E13:  Proactive Health Part 1 – Cool Doesn't Get it Done, Progress Does

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E13: Proactive Health Part 1 – Cool Doesn't Get it Done, Progress Does

February 25, 2018

E13: Proactive Health Part 1 – Cool Doesn't Get it Done, Progress Does

Picture in your mind a reimagined primary care experience that focuses on your total health and wellness, provided by a team of health professionals who seamlessly engage with you in the rhythm of your life. What you've just conceptualized actually exists in the form of Proactive Health, a newly launched primary care practice in Charlotte, NC. Don't believe it? Listen as Dr. Greg Weidner and Ann Somers Hogg describe this innovative model of care and the value patients are getting as subscribers.

@DrWeidner @annsomerswh
@SherpaPod @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine 

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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